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Other Battles

Damn dam! Vajont story. 

A couple of years ago I was having a little morning chat by the coffee with a civil engineer from Bovec. We chatted about the landslide that happened in the Log pod Mangartom and eventually we got to the subject of projects that have a big…


Northeastern Italy 2018 

I have a hard time saying no when somebody asks me for a favor. And this time it wasn’t any different when my friend Rebeka told me that she is really into becoming a canyoning guide and would like to learn as much about canyoning…


Rio Tralba and my new birthday 

It is quite common that I don’t keep a promises that I do for myself. For instance after adventure week in Sierra de guara, I promissed myself that I’ll be having relaxed weekend. But I could not do it, even if my body was in…

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