Gačnik canyon
There is a magic canyon, hidden in the woods in the middle of nowhere. It is called Gačnik. The longest Slovenian canyon and probably the most slippery one. I have explored the canyons around the Europe for the last 8 years, but Gačnik just didn’t…
Bike and canyon
As a part time job I also work as a canyoning guide. In the last couple of years this market has become quite developed and in Bovec area there is lots of competition. Prices are dropping, people are guiding without guiding license – which is…
How to recognise a weekend warrior?
“He’s bonkers, I don’t think that much of him. He’s old enough to start a family but instead he’s always rambling around godforsaken places.” That’s what an older relative thinks of my lifestyle. Many weekend warriors put having a family on the back burner due…
Čisti vrh
Sometimes, but really sometimes, it happens that my girlfriend is working on the day I am free. It happened today. And I had to use this time to do ski touring on my own. Since we had already two unsuccessful attempts to Čisti vrh this…
Weekend warriors
At Friday, I like to make my way to a good beer and burger. And at the latest chat I had with Rok, while drinking beer, we were talking about what to do for the weekend and then and there, a sudden idea hits me…
A refreshing cool down in the Dolomites
I never thought of the summer heat as something pleasant in my life. I am more of a Eskimo person so to say, who rather enjoys himself in snow and doesn’t mind, if instead of wearing a swimsuit, rather wears a classic down jacket. This…